Major LaTeXTools news

Two major news items for the new year.

First, LaTeXTools now has a new co-maintainer: Ian Bacher. If you have reported issues on GitHub in recent months, you might have seen his handle, @ig0774. Ian has contributed terrific code, and has helped several users solve issues (and uncover/fix bugs!)

I am thrilled to have Ian on board. While I plan to stay involved (see the next item), it is a fact that my day job does not leave me a lot of free time to develop. In addition, Ian has been “cooking” a couple of major new features (take a look at his recent pull requests), one of which addresses a long-standing pain point for Linux users… I won’t say more for now! So, Ian brings both more man-hours and more (and better!) ideas to the table.

Second news item: I am porting LaTeXTools to the Atom text editor. The repository is here. I don’t want to rant about the long-term viability of Sublime Text. However, it is a fact that updates have been few and far between, and the developer has gone incommunicado. For commercial software, this is concerning. I saw this happen to my former favorite text editor, TextMate. I hope that development will pick up again, or alternatively that Sublime Text will go open-source, and thus stay viable in the long term. However, I think it’s good to look for alternatives.

Atom is still under development. Yes, it is slower than Sublime Text. However, it does have advantages. It is open source, but backed by a large organization (GitHub). Development is very active. There is a vibrant package (i.e. plugin) ecosystem. Oh, and since it’s based on Chromium, you get niceties such as decent scrolling and touch support for free.

Go to the LaTeXTools for Atom page and take a look. As you will see, a lot of functionality is already in place, including forward/inverse search, error parsing, ref/cite completion, multi-file support, and more.

2 responses to “Major LaTeXTools news

  1. Hi Marciano (sorry for this “out of topic”), trying to build a command to jump “⌘+⌥+up”, “⌘+⌥+down” to the previous, next *section it is driving me crazy. It should be easy, but the first problem is find only works forward (!). What I have so far does not work well when the cursor is beyond the last section, I don’t know why:

    import sublime, sublime_plugin

    class texprevnextsectCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit, arg):
    # sublime.status_message(“Adios”)
    view = self.view
    pattern = r’^\\(sub)*section{([^}]+)}’
    b = []
    # currpoint = view.sel()[0].b
    # point = view.sel().end()
    if arg == “down”:
    point = view.sel()[0].b
    r = view.find(pattern, point)
    if r is None or r is (-1, -1):
    sublime.status_message(“No next section”)
    # sublime.status_message(” Jumped to ” + str(r.size()))
    limit = view.sel()[0].a
    point = 0
    r = prevr = view.find(pattern, 0)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100 and not(r is None or r is (-1, -1)) and r.b <= limit:
    prevr = r
    r = view.find(pattern, r.b)
    cnt += 1
    sublime.status_message(" r: " + str(r))
    if prevr is None or prevr is (-1, -1):
    sublime.status_message("No next section")
    # sublime.status_message(" Jumped to " + str(prevr.size()))

    Any ideas?

  2. Hello.
    Was there any consideration of also porting LaTeXtools to Visual Studio Code? And if yes, what was the decision?

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